[quote="Geralt"]Let me guess.. World of l33tcraft ]
Nope its World of Funcraft,something that i found missing from EQ2 unfortunately as there is no doubt it is well put together,i just didnt find it fun.
Quest Exp too? Sure, the mobs you kill will give propotionally more exp for the higher level char, but this doesn't affect quests. if anything, the higher level chars get less exp for handing in the same quest as a lower level one. No i typed in a way that could cause a misread i meant to say quest...
Funnily enough i do miss the grinding a bit let me "try" to explain. Its not the grinding itself i miss but as said before most people only group till the have done a quest they need,as most players dont carry on to do the same next quest its all done in different orders. So you yell or whatever 2 s...
Free trial available for download and also with this months PC zone (UK),i played it for two months found it not to my taste now playing ...well i think you can guess