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Post by Lieva »

Put this link on shout box ;p

its funny :D

Literal meaning
"The Second One."

Created by Act of God under appalling conditions, the name Banana was originally used cumbersomely to refer to those who worked in the hills building things out of hills, before a wager between De Mancy Oblast and the Earl of Warwick altered its destiny.

Famous Bananas
1. Inspector Banana R Sponetote, named in court as holding compromising material concerning the constellation of Pleiades;
2. Banana Oaf-Lilly Li, who lost a fortune on several of the more violent gypsy curses;
3. Banana D Quoits, BA, first victim of the legendary Source of the Thames;
4. Banana Oily, exposed in the press as having swapped a child for Spandau Ballet; ghost-writer of Hugh Scully's litany of crimes autobiography, DOCTOR! THE FORCEPS!;
5. Judge Banana du Jesus, champion of various messiahs later purchased by major world religions;
6. I Am Banana P Millington, proponent of Britain's standards;
7. Banana Tightbadger, reputedly trapped for six days under a fallen monument to a nice cup of tea;
8. "Terrible" Banana Lonfial, co-writer of INDIANA JONES AND HALF-MAN HALF-BISCUIT GO HULA;
9. Professor Banana Z Thews, BA, director of the new Bond movie, DEAD, BURIED, ARMED AND DANGEROUS; ghost-writer of Lady Macbeth's entirely adjectiveless autobiography, I WAS MONTY'S THUG;
10. Banana Tube, co-habitee of twenty-nine people associated with static electricity.

Typical Banana motto
"The more I drink, the more interesting I find I become."
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Post by Moley:) »

Literal meaning

Dreamt by JM Barrie after being told confidentially by GB Shaw that Wendy was "a bit poofy" around 11am, the name Christopher was originally used by nuns to refer to a famous sect of surly, pilfering domestic servants, before being modified genetically by scientists.

Famous Christophers
1. "Terrible" Christopher Frote, RN, fascinated to death by Evap-o-Floor;
2. Christopher Jesus, named in court as holding compromising material concerning the self-propelled gardener; ghost-writer of Clive Dunn's offensively illustrated autobiography, E-MAIL ME FOR THE SECRET OF MY MILLIONAIRE'S SUCCESS;
3. I Am Christopher de Nightdodge, DSO and Bar, RN, disgusted by mottled glass;
4. Christopher V du Proms, haunted by an image of Elvis impersonator impersonators; first holder of the richly prized office of Official Kerb-Trip-Overer;
5. Christopher Marl, champion of the right to use between nine and fifteen scientific principles;
6. Christopher Quoits ("The Thing"), exposed in the press as having swapped a child for bungee-jumping; first holder of the office of Hot Diggity;
7. Christopher G Happenstance, MA, first victim of the Formidable Coat; first holder of the office of Chancellor of the Eggs Checker;
8. Christopher Orbiting-Millington, PhD, MA, opponent of static electricity; first holder of the office of Queen's Own Loan Shark;
9. Christopher ap Lilly Li-Tube, who owes everything to a nice cup of tea;
10. Christopher X Frewsy, channeller under supernatural influences of edible bark; first holder of the office of King's Bath Taster.

Typical Christopher motto
"I'm sure I had it this morning."

I am Belzebub! :mwahaha:

:moley: The devil incarnate ..
Loktah level 50 Blade Master RR2 l7 :mwahaha:
Moleymoleymoley level 50 Mentalist RR4L5! :stir: *Magical Gesture*moley:
Darksaga level 50 Ranger RR7!! :ranger:

Haduken WL level 50 RR3 l7 bunny:
Necronomicon BD RR2l6 Level 39
Darksaga Hunter rr1 l4 Bane of Albion 5670 kills! :mwahaha: level 24

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Post by Moley:) »

Literal meaning
"It's a tiny human child."

Bred out of twenty-six generations of previous names under the Marquis of Bute, the name moley was originally used inappropriately to refer to nuns and the violators of nuns, before falling down a flight of stone steps.

Famous moleys
1. moley Oaf ("The Suspicious"), named in court as holding compromising material concerning the hovering cinema;
2. moley Ach, MA, aroused by the early career of Roy Clarke;
3. moley d'Itching ("The Celebrated Juggler"), once saved by the paper aeroplane;
4. moley R Endeavour-Tinkermouse, of the generation which fondly remembers a nice cup of tea; ghost-writer of Hugh Scully's anarchist's handbook and autobiography, I'M FEELING QUEASY, GEOFFREY;
5. moley Nightdodge, champion of some thing or other;
6. moley de Millington, RN, early user of Tramp Drink;
7. moley Trabmaw-Chinly, who owes everything to the world's most popular cosh; ghost-writer of Noele Gordon's deeply upsetting autobiography, SOMEBODY PUNCH MY FACE - I MUST BE DREAMING;
8. moley Nivea, proponent of the Bakelite Diet;
9. moley Boonk, who could never shake an early association with bungee-jumping; ghost-writer of Mr The Prime Minister Winston Churchill's heavily censored autobiography, SEE YOU IN HELL;
10. moley Orbiting ("The Terrible"), disgusted by mottled glass; first holder of the office of Her Majesty's Punchbag.

Typical moley motto
"You can't make an omelette, you're useless."

I am also violator of nuns :moley: ftw :D
Loktah level 50 Blade Master RR2 l7 :mwahaha:
Moleymoleymoley level 50 Mentalist RR4L5! :stir: *Magical Gesture*moley:
Darksaga level 50 Ranger RR7!! :ranger:

Haduken WL level 50 RR3 l7 bunny:
Necronomicon BD RR2l6 Level 39
Darksaga Hunter rr1 l4 Bane of Albion 5670 kills! :mwahaha: level 24

Retired and Retarded

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Post by OohhoO »


Literal meaning
"No, look - it moved."

Made from straw by a dancing child's grandmother in 1976 AD, or possibly BC, the name OohhoO was originally used imprecisely to refer to the dead, before a wager between De Mancy Oblast and the Earl of Warwick altered its destiny.

Famous OohhoOs
1. OohhoO Jesus, exposed in the press as having swapped a child for the self-propelled gardener;
2. OohhoO Marl-Grating, disgusted by the concept of acceptable losses;
3. OohhoO U de Toot ("The Celebrated Juggler"), channeller under supernatural influences of the definitive manual on drowning; first holder of the hotly contested office of King's Bath Taster;
4. Judge OohhoO du l'Orbiting, BA, opponent of bungee-jumping; ghost-writer of Punchy Massive's papally banned autobiography, E-MAIL ME FOR THE SECRET OF MY MILLIONAIRE'S SUCCESS; first holder of the office of Police-constable;
5. OohhoO Frewsy, for a time, in their own mind, romantically linked with the constellation of Pleiades; first holder of the office of Royal Gadget-Smasher;
6. OohhoO Ach ("The Uncanny"), of the generation which fondly remembers Spandau Ballet;
7. OohhoO Oily ("The Terrible"), early user of stout boots;
8. OohhoO Nootlooter, once saved by some thing or other; ghost-writer of Alastair Sim's leatherwear catalogue and autobiography, I'M FEELING QUEASY, GEOFFREY;
9. OohhoO R du Sprokes, fascinated to death by the world's most popular cosh;
10. OohhoO Trabmaw, MA, haunted by an image of the indestructible tortoise; ghost-writer of Lionel Stander's religious handbook and autobiography, THE MAGIC OF ME.

Typical OohhoO motto
"Can you hold this while I go to the toilet?"
Paddock - L60 Male Man Hunter - SM Tailor
Moegren - L53 Male Man Captain - SM Weaponsmith GM Woodworker
Paddreth - L60 Male Man Minstrel - SM Jeweller GM Cook
Skyros - L57 Male Man Loremaster - SM Scholar GM Farmer
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Post by Satyn »

<<< The Weekly: Maintaining Britain's Standards
Your Name Here
Literal meaning

"Christ, get that thing away from me."


The sole sound that could be made by a mysterious blank-faced man found wandering the streets of Paris as the baleful influence of Halley's Comet was felt sharply among those distracted from their dangerous work to stare at the sky, the name Ellen was originally used mesmerisingly to refer to those bred solely for organ harvesting, before it was bullied at school.

Famous Ellens

1. Ellen Jesus, BSc, champion of between nine and fifteen scientific principles; first holder of the hotly contested office of Hot Diggity;
2. Lady The Miss Ellen Macaulay, belittler of Paul McCartney's Wings;
3. Ellen Lonfial, champion of the right to use the world's most popular cosh;
4. Ellen Marl, aroused by bungee-jumping; ghost-writer of Margaret Rutherford's religious handbook and autobiography, I'M FEELING QUEASY, GEOFFREY;
5. Ellen du Trabmaw, early user of quiffs;
6. Ellen Tinkermouse, who lost a fortune on the Formidable Coat;
7. Ellen du Proms-Dufallily ("The Nervous"), first victim of Explode-O, the wonder bang dismantler; first holder of the office of Last Out of the Building When the Fire-Alarm Rings;
9. Doctor Ellen F Grating-Thews, exposed in the press as having swapped a child for the self-propelled gardener;
10. I Am Ellen Dots, who's never forgotten Tramp Drink; ghost-writer of Jimmy Clitheroe's anarchist's handbook and autobiography, REMINISCING FROM MY DEATHBED; first holder of the office of Her Majesty's Punchbag.

Typical Ellen motto

"I don't care whether you live or die."

omg ....
Fallen Spirits GM
Obscurum GM

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Post by Ovi »

ROFL, anyone for a mouse city? :)

Literal meaning

"Maker of tubular mouse cities."


Created by Act of God in a rush, the name Ovi was originally used inappropriately to refer to a breed of goose, before being transported to Australia for its part in the "Christ, we're starving to death! - how about a bit of food; just if you can spare it, obviously, we don't want to put you out" Rebellion.

Famous Ovis

1. Ovi Sponetote, reputedly trapped for six days under a fallen monument to the paper aeroplane;
2. Ovi Chinly, channeller under supernatural influences of quicklime dental cleanser;
3. Ovi H Toot, who's never forgotten the everlasting trouser; ghost-writer of Anne Boleyn's heavily censored autobiography, FROM TOP TO BOTTOM;
4. Ovi Orbiting, opponent of the monkey cartilage gear system;
5. Ovi S'Ess ("The Nervous"), for a time, in their own mind, romantically linked with Elvis impersonator impersonators; first holder of the office of Mr & Miss Transsexual World;
6. Ovi du Frewsy, who owes everything to Tramp Drink; first holder of the office of Hot Diggity;
7. Ovi Smmith-Macaulay, DSO and Bar, haunted by an image of the entertainment industry blacklist;
8. Ovi I Marl, belittler of the evaporating duck;
9. Ovi Quoits ("The Suspicious"), director of the new Bond movie, KILL ME FOR DINNER;
10. Ovi L de Staplegun ("The Uncanny"), who discovered paroxysms of fright.

Typical Ovi motto

"The song of a single bird can be louder than the thunder of a thousand ants."

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Post by Moley:) »

Nana can u rename this :p .. has nothing to do with me :D

Loktah level 50 Blade Master RR2 l7 :mwahaha:
Moleymoleymoley level 50 Mentalist RR4L5! :stir: *Magical Gesture*moley:
Darksaga level 50 Ranger RR7!! :ranger:

Haduken WL level 50 RR3 l7 bunny:
Necronomicon BD RR2l6 Level 39
Darksaga Hunter rr1 l4 Bane of Albion 5670 kills! :mwahaha: level 24

Retired and Retarded

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Post by Childofkhain »


Literal meaning

"Least favoured offspring."


Spelled out by the movement of snakes across desert sands in a rush, the name Childofkhain was originally used ineffectually to refer to unsettlingly enthusiastic night soil collectors, before losing two vowels in the wash.

Famous Childofkhains

1. Childofkhain Trabmaw, for a time, in their own mind, romantically linked with the deckchair-cum-hat; ghost-writer of Lindsay Anderson's excessively sophisticated autobiography, MEGASTAR!;
2. Childofkhain Staplegun, first victim of twenty-one entirely new ways to kneel;
3. Judge Childofkhain Z Tightbadger, champion of the right to use an ice sculpture of Hugh Scully;
4. Childofkhain Dindymene, BSc, once saved by static electricity;
5. Childofkhain Frewsy ("The Terrible"), proponent of stout boots; ghost-writer of Lady Macbeth's compelling autobiography, READ MY STORY IN THIS BOOK;
6. I Am Childofkhain Sprewt-Happenstance, MD, who's never forgotten the everlasting trouser;
7. Lady The Miss Childofkhain du Cangoose, BSc, co-habitee of twenty-three people associated with the paper aeroplane; first holder of the office of High Scowler;
8. Childofkhain Dufallily ("The Uncanny"), champion of the nightmare cupboard; ghost-writer of Vivian Leigh's entirely adjectiveless autobiography, THERE'S SOME PHOTOS IN THE MIDDLE;
9. Childofkhain O'Grating, co-writer of INDIANA JONES AND THE FIRST ON THE RIGHT;
10. Childofkhain Marl, who lost a fortune on mottled glass; ghost-writer of Charles Hawtrey's bestselling autobiography, E-MAIL ME FOR THE SECRET OF MY MILLIONAIRE'S SUCCESS.

Typical Childofkhain motto

"You can't fix what isn't broken without smashing it up a bit first."
Amedor wrote:I could imagine George Bush playing a Warlock
pikeh wrote:Britney Spears plays a bainshee.
Requiel wrote:It's not a bug, the encounter is designed to fail if you abuse the game mechanics... If you'd like to report yourself for cheating we'll investigate your problem.

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Post by Windmaster »

Literal meaning

"Uncannily reminiscent of Margaret Rutherford."


Made from straw by a dancing child's grandmother in 1976 AD, or possibly BC, the name Joshua was originally used wittily to refer to licensed manufacturers of swanee-whistles, the endlessly amusing noise-making device, before reinventing itself after an unfortunate court case.

Famous Joshuas

1. Joshua Nivea ("The Reasonably Broadly Educated"), proponent of the Formidable Coat; ghost-writer of Margaret Rutherford's heavily censored autobiography, MY STRUGGLE; first holder of the highly regarded office of Gross Miscarriager of Justice;
2. Professor Joshua du l'Orbiting ("The Celebrated Juggler"), who lost a fortune on Britain's standards; first holder of the discreetly discontinued office of Ruler of the World in Exile;
3. Brigadier-General Joshua R ap Tube-Sponetote ("The Uncanny"), haunted by an image of bungee-jumping;
4. Doctor Joshua du S'Ess, BSc, populariser of the legendary Source of the Thames;
5. Chief Scientist Joshua H Tinkermouse, MD, MD, who could never shake an early association with the monkey cartilage gear system;
6. Joshua E Happenstance, who's never forgotten the constellation of Pleiades;
7. Joshua Itching, MA, BSc, champion of the right to use the world's most attractive bucket;
8. Joshua Sprokes, exposed in the press as having swapped a child for Tramp Drink; ghost-writer of Noele Gordon's white-hot autobiography, I'M FEELING QUEASY, GEOFFREY; first holder of the office of Chancellor of the Eggs Checker;
9. Joshua A Dufallily-Nightdodge, for a time, in their own mind, romantically linked with the self-aware cartoon strip; first holder of the office of King's Bath Taster;
10. Joshua Frote, director of the new Bond movie, ROBOT STAMPING MAYHEM A-GO-GO.

Typical Joshua motto

"Is this thing on?"

roflroflrofl Very nice thing :P

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