Marsh Horde starting more RvR activity

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Mr Manic
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Post by Mr Manic »

well i must admit, i havent been playing as long as some people, but i do love i good RvR.

personal i think Marsh Horde is getting alot better with it all now. with alot of up and coming RvR players.

so as wyst said, if you see us come and join :laugh:

Thanks guyz

Prydwen - Hib - Marsh Horde
Fiva - Ranger - lvl50 - TeamZerg - cl2
MasterCard - lvl50 - ml7 - cl4
AniManic - lvl50 - ml10 - cl5 champ
MezzManic - lvl50

Glastonbury - Hib - Savant Renegades
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Post by Alexandrinus »

run yesterday with some alliance members from GPK Marsh Hordes and Luna Caligula :rambo:
and for the group setup we had and for the RR we did really well, think we had only 2-3 people over RR4 in group and dont think the rest have lot of arti or ML power :eek2:
so go on like this peeps,btw MH did 500k rps last week big gratz :cheers:

Arkaon / Karak-Norn
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Post by Aran_Thule »

Alexandrinus wrote: so go on like this peeps,btw MH did 500k rps last week big gratz :cheers:
Very impressive <grin> think the alb keep standoff is helping, even when you do fall down its not hard to get back. :)
Aran Thule, Epic Sniper and Sojourner, Guild leader of the Artisans of Willow(roleplay guild)

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Post by Wyst »

Our weekly rps have also been seriously enhanced by stupid mids.

Please note the lwrps for animists and be aware that Adalyn, Treeeebeard and their BB have been farming mids who are apparently too stupid to realise that when they take a tower (Hilds tower but cant remember which one) two anis with fopbot have been farming them for fun.

The tower has become known as Hollowhead tower in our guild chat, as they have basically been living there all week and the mids cant dislodge them. I think they had about 65 kills each with no deaths the other night, the same 4 or 5 mids kept going back for more.

At the time I was running with the Incorporated guild group and I got about 17k for the evening which I thought was pretty damn good for me, until Treeee mentioned he had about 40k for the night.

I heard there were more cries to nerf Animists afterwards, cant think why.

We have gained approximately 20k guild bps last week as well, so if we can maintain this sort of momentum (unlikely after catacombs) we will become a viable Keep holder rather than a tower holder.

Thanks for all the support we have had from the alliance, please dont think that after one or two good weeks of success that we no longer need your support. We do, and will always be grateful for it.
Wyst Fullthinker 50 Warden ML10 BM RR8+
Vilcleft Cullthinker 50 BM ML10 BL RR5+
Ydrys Bard ML10 Soj RR4+
Hegglion 50 Voidy M10 convoker RR3+
Grusalug Hero, brainless ML8 WL RR3+
Cwmblyss MotherofWyst ML10 Conv RR2+
Ydryst Darkside screamer ML10 RR4+
Arnfiorgrit Valewalker ML8 RR3+
Molarbfloem Druid ML10 Perfector RR6+
Quickflick NS ML5 RR3+
Some others of lesser note on other servers of no consequence

All now asleep and probably forgotton

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

How did this project go btw? I havent heard much of it tbh


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Post by Wyst »

Well I dont have as much time as I would like, but the momentum has been started and I have continued plans for the future.

Judging by the stats posted above I deem the work so far as a major success. I doubt that the MH will ever get to the stage of matching Eclipse of NFD for lwrps, but you never know.

I got it started but others have taken up the reins now their interest has been piqued. Mastercard has been leading groups around, as have Treeeebeard and Adalyn.

Hardly a day goes by where we dont take a tower somewhere and massacre mids or albs ( as long as they turn up solo), and we are definitely getting better and improving as we go.

One area we do struggle with is open field fighting. Our CC classes are very much missing. 1 active bard, who is Sky's BB, and no light elds that I can think of. A couple of Mentas, but they cant do the same level of CC as a bard. Consequently we tend to run around and get jumped a lot more regularly than we can hope to jump on others. If we bump into a high RR group, more often than not we get wiped before purge even removes the mezz, which can be a bit demoralising. I have a slight concern that with the release of catacombs, so many people will jump on the Vamp/Bainshee bandwagon that for several weeks/months RvR will become unviable for us as only the stealthers and GG will be around ad this will not be an arena for untemplated, minimal arti, part timers like us.

As such I am trying to formalise within our guild a more regulated schedule of events (all voluntary ofc) which will see 1 or 2 regular weekly rvr events. Exact days yet to be confirmed, but will let you know such that you can come and continue helping us out:) Monday seems to still be a popular day for guild rvr in our alliance, so we may end up running out on Mondays and Wednesdays or something.

If nothing else, I will still be out and about, getting within sniffing distance of RR5 and with that comes TWF3, which has been an aim for a while now. I have personal aims beyond that, but one thing at a time.

As such, project continues
Wyst Fullthinker 50 Warden ML10 BM RR8+
Vilcleft Cullthinker 50 BM ML10 BL RR5+
Ydrys Bard ML10 Soj RR4+
Hegglion 50 Voidy M10 convoker RR3+
Grusalug Hero, brainless ML8 WL RR3+
Cwmblyss MotherofWyst ML10 Conv RR2+
Ydryst Darkside screamer ML10 RR4+
Arnfiorgrit Valewalker ML8 RR3+
Molarbfloem Druid ML10 Perfector RR6+
Quickflick NS ML5 RR3+
Some others of lesser note on other servers of no consequence

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Monday nights

Post by Wyst »

Just to make you all aware, we have now designated Monday nights as Marsh Horde RvR night.

I sort of based the choice of night along the principal that it used to be a popular guild groups night and as such we will be unlikely to end up all alone.

No real idea what sort of regular turn out we will get, but one of us will have a BG up from about 19:00 gmt. If any members of the alliance wish to join us, you are of course welcome, or if other alliance groups are formed and just want to keep track of what we are up to, feel free to have your group leader join the BG.

I/we do not really want to be running a realm wide BG raid every week (yet), so dont expect us to be, but we could well use assistance if we keep getting farmed by the mid and alb GGs, and as such you may find knowing our whereabouts to your own advantage.

Also, we may take it in turns to be leading the BG, so dont expect it to be my name, and as such the quality of leadership may be better than my feeble previous attempts.

We tend to password the BG as well, so you may need to pm one of us for the password. We can then check that we arent letting any disreputable types in:)

In the future it may be possible that we try to lead you all to your dooms every monday (or at least those who wish to follow us) and as such preparations can be made over the weekend, particularly as far as siege is concerned.

If people are up for this sort of thing, maybe we can sort out some regular alliance groups to all run together, as a lot of guilds seem to be struggling at the moment to get a full guild group together.

I am sort of hoping that by making a regular night, it may get put in lots of peoples regular diaries and maybe this sort of co-ordination will make us stronger, but this may be just a pipe dream. Wont know unless I try tho, and failure doesnt really worry me, there should be enough Hordies to allow us to run 1 or 2 fgs every monday, and if it really picks up, we regularly have enough people online to run 3fg (of completely non-opted, low RR, part MLed, untemplated people anyway)

Also, if one of our more experienced leaders decides they have a plan to do something, consider doing it on a monday and we will lend our support to it. I think with 3fg of well organised, experienced alliance people we could cause some real damage every monday.

Information only, no response necessary, but always welcomed.
Wyst Fullthinker 50 Warden ML10 BM RR8+
Vilcleft Cullthinker 50 BM ML10 BL RR5+
Ydrys Bard ML10 Soj RR4+
Hegglion 50 Voidy M10 convoker RR3+
Grusalug Hero, brainless ML8 WL RR3+
Cwmblyss MotherofWyst ML10 Conv RR2+
Ydryst Darkside screamer ML10 RR4+
Arnfiorgrit Valewalker ML8 RR3+
Molarbfloem Druid ML10 Perfector RR6+
Quickflick NS ML5 RR3+
Some others of lesser note on other servers of no consequence

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Post by Nored »

Just one note: if you get 3fg ppl together (one here, unless guild (at monday in guild RvR for GPK too) wants to go somewhere else) you can better just join anyone who is leading, as they create a fighting front ;)

Or ...

Always start with taking a tower close to a keep and siege the keep ... always nice and quite effective to lure albs and mids out and do some damage :)
Nored, 50 Champ <Green Peacekeepers>

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Post by Wyst »

Well I dont think my ego will really accept total responsibility but the mids certainly came out to play last night.

We went we broke things, we took towers and a keep and we got more mids out to play than I have seen for absolutely ages, far more than we could handle on our own.

Thanks to all who turned out to join the zerg. I sort of enjoyed myself leading last night (in a masochistic sort of way) and I hope those who ended up following us around had some fun as well. Certainly my respect for those who lead things on a regular basis has increased (although was already very high) as I regularly found myself without enough fingers to do everything that I felt needed doing all the time.

I certainly felt we got a bit fortunate that there werent many mids around early in the evening as it gave me a confidence boost to have some success early on.

I think I had 21 Hordies following me in the BG at one point and I hope the success last night will keep them turning out regularly so we may yet become a force to be reckoned with.

Was a good alliance turnout also last night so thanks again for the assistance.

Same time next week (if not before)
Wyst Fullthinker 50 Warden ML10 BM RR8+
Vilcleft Cullthinker 50 BM ML10 BL RR5+
Ydrys Bard ML10 Soj RR4+
Hegglion 50 Voidy M10 convoker RR3+
Grusalug Hero, brainless ML8 WL RR3+
Cwmblyss MotherofWyst ML10 Conv RR2+
Ydryst Darkside screamer ML10 RR4+
Arnfiorgrit Valewalker ML8 RR3+
Molarbfloem Druid ML10 Perfector RR6+
Quickflick NS ML5 RR3+
Some others of lesser note on other servers of no consequence

All now asleep and probably forgotton

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Post by Sharkith »

Wyst wrote:Well I dont think my ego will really accept total responsibility but the mids certainly came out to play last night.

We went we broke things, we took towers and a keep and we got more mids out to play than I have seen for absolutely ages, far more than we could handle on our own.

Thanks to all who turned out to join the zerg. I sort of enjoyed myself leading last night (in a masochistic sort of way) and I hope those who ended up following us around had some fun as well. Certainly my respect for those who lead things on a regular basis has increased (although was already very high) as I regularly found myself without enough fingers to do everything that I felt needed doing all the time.

I certainly felt we got a bit fortunate that there werent many mids around early in the evening as it gave me a confidence boost to have some success early on.

I think I had 21 Hordies following me in the BG at one point and I hope the success last night will keep them turning out regularly so we may yet become a force to be reckoned with.

Was a good alliance turnout also last night so thanks again for the assistance.

Same time next week (if not before)
Hi Wyst,

nice raid with nice leadership. Sorry I went on holidays towards Glenlock at one stage!! :classic:

The reason why there were few Mids out was because they had their ML10 raid on.... :surprise:

They were right pissed at us so the whole 120 BG headed out to kick our asses. Which they did roundly and soundly!! That said we did a fantastic defence at Alline.

Anyway it was nice to be grouped with members of the alliance to try and learn something oh and get the odd rezz.


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