joined NE-RVR groups

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joined NE-RVR groups

Post by Alexandrinus »

want to survey how many people are interested in a joined NE-alliance RVR night.

GPK has now one regulary RVR group running on monday from 20:00 CET.

The plan would be to get a second RVR group together, its not about being really opted or being über, we arent,we have a lot of people between RR2 and RR4 and some people over this.

But since NF also non opted groups can do have a lot of fun,bridge camping and such things ...

also it would be nice to have a second night on Wednesday or on Friday out in the frontiers....

Arkaon / Karak-Norn
and plenty of other chars between 10 and 30

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Post by Sharkith »

I think the Marsh Horde are more than willing to contribute to this and we enjoyed linking up with you guys last night again. Although apologies for the long delay when the Mids suckered us at Crim by taking the other tower first. Still I think we recovered reasonably well and I enjoyed the short time I stayed in Albion.

I would say the Marsh Horde can contribute at least a group and a half on Monday nights. Wednesdays are no good for me but Fridays would be much better. Our groups would not be fully opted but we would love to have other members of the alliance in with us.

I think we certainly need to learn much better how to play as groups - running in the zerg is not always helping us develop our group play so any ideas might be worth discussing.

Thanks for taking over the battle group last night at no - notice (I had barely managed to drink one beer all night which is totally unacceptible) :p


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Post by Alexandrinus »

btw.....why i want that this projects gets a success, and it is when we manage to get at least 8-12 people out there (and that shouldn't be the problem on 2 nights a week)

1)get RPS for all -->means more RA ---->means more fun in PVE and RVR
more fun means more people in high Realm Ranks --->wich means more success in RVR for all

and trust me a char near RR5 is really a joy to play atm in NF

Arkaon / Karak-Norn
and plenty of other chars between 10 and 30


Post by Kallima »

Sure, Gwennethe or someone can come along. I've been tied up on some master levels just recently, with several master level raid runs over lapping. Hopefully back in more rvr soon.

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Post by Wyst »

Well you have sort of seen the MH way over the last few weeks, we are totally unopted in every possible way, often running groups with only one or no healers at all, splatting and getting splatted as we go.

From my point of view, and having only just set it up, I would prefer to keep mondays as a night when anyone from the Horde can come to RvR for a (hopefully) fun evening as we have many casual players who will therefore know what we are up to and can choose to come if they like.

The wednesday possibility tho I could well support. The main problem I can see tho is that if I tell anyone about it I will end up with 12-20 people wanting to attend with absolutely no sense of group make up at all and the possibility of sounding Leetist (god I hate that word) if I tried to only pull out the better players, make one sensible(ish) group to support you etc

What may make more sense (to me anyway) would be if a second alliance group formed on a monday and then us hordies could be bailed out by Allies instead of GA, Eclipse etc as 2 nice allied groups charge in to the rescue whilst I lead people in some daft enterprise. We could then pick up and integrate anyone who wanted to run as more of a zerg and you could do the more roaming type, camping or whatever you fancied.

I am sure, as Sharkith said above, that if you need a few people to support you on either day, we will have people willing to come help out. We do seem to have people everywhere after all.

Oh the joys of having a big guild.......
Wyst Fullthinker 50 Warden ML10 BM RR8+
Vilcleft Cullthinker 50 BM ML10 BL RR5+
Ydrys Bard ML10 Soj RR4+
Hegglion 50 Voidy M10 convoker RR3+
Grusalug Hero, brainless ML8 WL RR3+
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Arnfiorgrit Valewalker ML8 RR3+
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Post by Belisar »

KotG are going to try to get an RvR group going. The guild has gained a few peeps who like the odd bit of RvR recently and benefits from some long standing players with RvR knowledge so we are hoping to tie it all in together.

One suggestion was to run on a Monday so we get the flexibility to join with the other groups who are running. Hopefully we will get a run out within a few weeks but clearly we need a little time to see how things settle in. We will also decide whether we are going to run a fixed night each week or vary it so peeps who have other engagements here and there also get a chance.
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Post by Merino »

Seeing that some mid groups have returned (Maelstorm for one) running against them in a FG vs. FG scenario ends up in disaster, as GPK doesn't have an opted group, like Alex has already pointed out. The only way to survive them is being together with another or more groups. That's the idea and I hope the alliance can get 2 or more hooked up groups together on a regular basis, which would help us all, as our alliance consists mainly of fun oriented casual gamers.


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Post by Alexandrinus »

we had yesterday a nice BG running, wanna say thx to all who had joined our RVR.
pls remember Monday 20:00-open end we will run also such an BG,everyone can join.

yesterday someone said that rangers dont get a group,or dont need it

everybody gets a group in these BG's, i hope thats clear now, we will try to make some roaming groups mainly, but if we dont have the peeps for it we will go tower,bridge camping.

NE alliance never had so many peeps out theire in Frontiers, we dont care about RR,Spec,chartype....---NE alliance was always about having fun, and so we will have if we dont take everything so serious.

Arkaon / Karak-Norn
and plenty of other chars between 10 and 30

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Post by Wyst »


shame I missed it:(
Wyst Fullthinker 50 Warden ML10 BM RR8+
Vilcleft Cullthinker 50 BM ML10 BL RR5+
Ydrys Bard ML10 Soj RR4+
Hegglion 50 Voidy M10 convoker RR3+
Grusalug Hero, brainless ML8 WL RR3+
Cwmblyss MotherofWyst ML10 Conv RR2+
Ydryst Darkside screamer ML10 RR4+
Arnfiorgrit Valewalker ML8 RR3+
Molarbfloem Druid ML10 Perfector RR6+
Quickflick NS ML5 RR3+
Some others of lesser note on other servers of no consequence

All now asleep and probably forgotton

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Post by ladder »

fallen spirits is rdy if u need us :) and will be happ to help leade if need it :)

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