
Public forum for visitors to the Natures Eye Alliance

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Emerald Rider
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Post by Wyst »

Hi All

I just wanted to apologise for potentially lowering some peoples game enjoyment over the last couple of days.

In my natural tendancy to be selfless I have potentially been selfish and I wanted to say sorry to anyone who I may have annoyed.

Firstly I kept a perfectly capable RVR group out of action by volunteering to be a repairer, then I invited additional people who were asking for help into the roleplay group. On both occasions I made a decision to try and be helpful to the realm or other people, with perhaps too little thought for the people around me at the time and its been bugging me all day.

No responses are required, I just felt I needed to apologise to those affected.

Just tell me in future when I am being a bad boy.
Wyst Fullthinker 50 Warden ML10 BM RR8+
Vilcleft Cullthinker 50 BM ML10 BL RR5+
Ydrys Bard ML10 Soj RR4+
Hegglion 50 Voidy M10 convoker RR3+
Grusalug Hero, brainless ML8 WL RR3+
Cwmblyss MotherofWyst ML10 Conv RR2+
Ydryst Darkside screamer ML10 RR4+
Arnfiorgrit Valewalker ML8 RR3+
Molarbfloem Druid ML10 Perfector RR6+
Quickflick NS ML5 RR3+
Some others of lesser note on other servers of no consequence

All now asleep and probably forgotton

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Post by Lieva »

im sure if you were that bad peeps would have told ya :)

dont worry bout it :)
Lievaordiea x Eldritch
Peonchants x Enchanter

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Wyst wrote:Just tell me in future when I am being a bad boy.
I will, but it will (as you know by now) cost you money and also I we need a new whip and leather cloths. Just the way you like it!


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Post by Belisar »

Wyst wrote: Firstly I kept a perfectly capable RVR group out of action by volunteering to be a repairer
Seems to me that anyone who groups wth you knows that you will volunteer for the job - we all know if Wyst sees a hole in a wall he has to repair it. Wyst does not like holes. In fact Wyst is an anti-hole.

No one has to stay with you and help, no one has to stay with you and summon wood and no one has to stay with you and complete wood runs. The grp were perfectly capable of dumping you at the first sign of any repairs and going off to gather rps. The fact that they did not means no apology is required.
Brain cells come and brain cells go but fat cells live forever !

Currently playing Hib (ofc) on Uthgard


Post by Kallima »




Post by Gitt »

Hole fixing is a thankless task.

Wyst, you are one of the very few people I knew I could always rely on to help with the never ending campaign for wall repairs.

Don't feel guilty for asking people to help, or for diverting groups or even whole alliances to assist with what is a boring, infuriating but necessary task.

Without people like you putting in the effort and time to secure our keeps Hib would crumble and the selfish RP whores would find their game vastly different.

If every RvR group made a single supply run for the wall fixers it would change a 2 hour chore into a 10 minute task.. dont ever feel the need to appologise for the selfishness and stupidity of others imo :)

...damn.. another rant... I realy must stop checking my mail :p

Emerald Rider
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Post by levelnix »

lo wyst
not many so helpfull and good guys like you around
so keep your way going and don t care on others
i m sure you will always do the right

cu levelnix

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Post by Moley:) »

If anything they should be apologising to YOU for helping the realm that gather realm points , all hail wyst!

Loktah level 50 Blade Master RR2 l7 :mwahaha:
Moleymoleymoley level 50 Mentalist RR4L5! :stir: *Magical Gesture*moley:
Darksaga level 50 Ranger RR7!! :ranger:

Haduken WL level 50 RR3 l7 bunny:
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Post by Sharkith »

Hail Wyst! Hibbies answer to the black hole!

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Post by Anghared »

Anghar is in awe at your repair skills and will keep you supplied with oakenwood and dance for you to keep your spirits up <hug>
Anghar Elven Dancer and wine drinker
Yarisshel Ranger and poor shot
Varisshel Full of Enchantments
Ismad Harlequin Keeper of the Magic Log
Anghared Baker of Gwenneddes BOOM cake
Feeney Insomniac Legendary Tailor
Garsshel Into the Void


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