I don't know how many of you have been accompanying the relaunch of the Uthgard server. It's a freeshard which closed down a few years back and is now about to reopen (on Friday, 6th January at 20:00 CET) as an Old RA, Old Frontiers server. Everyone will be starting out again at level 1.
They have implemented some good measures in place to stop cross realming and have worked a lot to get the server into a really healthy state for launch.
I'm planning on starting out again with some friends, some who are as oldschool as us and some who have never played before. I would love to form up into a guild with anyone from Hib / Prydwen who would like to join. At the moment, the plan is to play whenever we can but have group PvE / RvR on Monday evenings at 20:30 CET (19:30 GMT) for those who can make it.
Let me know if you are interested

Zakoraya (Wildcat)