The things you remember. (Classic)

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Post by Sehanine »

Bourkey wrote:Sehanine post the full size screenys! so can see all the old names :)
and thand talking about the tower thing, the first NS dueling comp Caestar organized, was one of the best nights ive ever had in game, i was a few weeks within quitting the game at that time. But after that night im still here :) And the tower link comes in when we all ran to Emain naked and tried the circle stick thing around the tower. Such fun :D

I cant m8.. can max be 97kb per pic... had to save pics in worse quality and 50% size to reduce file size. normal size is 800kb- 2mb per pic.


But i can tell you who the ppl are insted..

pic one is Rigar baiting with his warden, the stealthers are Reet,Snike,Awod,me, naomi,lucchini...

Pic two; Aodian, Evel(Evex),me, Galadriiel,Frodox,naomi,Spice ... we was standing at AmgE .. showing our fancy glowing weaps.. hoping some Infil would come through door hehe :)

Pic Three; This and the rest of the pics are from the pigstick tournament.
I was in HDS at the time , the ppl in the grp was , Awarkle,Anael,Coglen,Almas,Coreane,me,Crackers... and Marius.. but he doesnt really count... he kept going LD lol :)

Many of the ppl on pics doesnt play DAoC anymore though :(

hehe i have some funny pics of Crackers aswell hehe.. can post em later :)
Sehanine - Nightshade RR7L0
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Post by centurion »

Must resist ranting about nostalgic old times :<

game over

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Post by VidX »

Thing I remember most was, in all honesty, being there when Olcasgean fell :D

Working hard for weeks on end with Cina doing joint raids with 100+ Hibs we finally killed him, think it was the only time he was killed before the next patch made him slightly easier, can't really remember though but I know most of the US kills were in the 'easier' patch. Highlight of my memory in Hib really :D

The simple fact that 50% of the realm (we had 200-250 online prime-time at that point) would turn out every Sunday to keep following me and wait patiently and understanding while we tried to figure out how to take out the final mobs, sometimes spending 2-3 hours in the final room before even getting Olcasgean to spawn!

Next to that would be the old duo groups with Zedorf :D 2 of us 'chanters constantly chain-farming Alb and Mid groups in Emain lol

Or the 'Ailinne/Lamfhota' incident with the HDS group during one of the many Mid relic raids, that one was priceless and it took a while before my sides stopped hurting from so much laughter :D

Worst memory: typing in the 'Y E S' and hitting OK to delete my 'chanter to roll Mid for a few days :(
Usp Caffeinechanter - level 6 Roasted Bean
Can find me as Manachanter in most things...
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Post by Lothandar »

centurion wrote:Must resist ranting about nostalgic old times :<
It's easy, watch

I remember when blademasters couldn't get groups in rvr due to crappy armor, crappy evade and crappy damage.

/who hero 30
/who champ 40
/who bm 6


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Post by Endeelid »

Remember when first spawned in Connla as my lil-to-be BM, still i have the Connla's Well quest in my journal due to me either managing to throw away or destroying the quest item so never got to finish it.. The time i spent around that area more or less consisted of mindlessly walking around dying due to not knowing how to play the game but i found out little after little ^^ Fun times :)
Also the curmies, water beetles, spraggons and the oh-so-scary Muire Tomb :D

Edit: Parth farm !!1!! :thand:

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Post by Mailimber »

playing my Druid malembar, phook's at basar in a fg, torc in OF, corus next down the pit till 40 then move to CF, bears, leps, formorians, phooka in FG's then finally, melee groups at log fins, 3 fins, and finally 4 fins to 50 my first lvl 50 ding ;)

Sitting down after a new druid took my place and asking in NFD guild chat so now i am 50 what do i do?? Being answered by a then ranger called eoghan, well start another character.... maybe someone should have told me to stop and concetrate on rvr at some stage lol.

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Post by Treeeebeard »

Leveling up with two ehros on my druid from about level 20-45, was so much fun making new friends, carnt rember there names pretty sure they left thge game tho, Was a celt hero and a luri hero from severance and was so intresting exploring corus/clifts of moher/treib ect back then :)

Also Pigball on my druid with Hds :)

The old RvR raids in the old DV/KoTSN/MH alliance when they were 3 big guild s were really intresting when runinng around in midguard frontier for the first time at level 22 :)

Last thing is the only Df raid i ever went on, I think ti was when we did a realm Tri-atalthon event were people competed to take keeps quickest, then zerged the mobs in Df and died on the mid Prince, Think it was gwyneth? of the Knights of mayhem, who lead it, was a very intresting event :)

Oh, And learning to play a animist was very intresting in the time no one knew how to use them ;) Shrooming up in the middle of the blackthorns/curm camps was suicide xD
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Post by Elrandhir »

Have all to many memories really, but sadly enough I forget names rather Quick ;/

The time I Spent in Darkveil was something special for sure, was a really nice guild and the GM was so dedicated to making it as fun as possible for Everyone ;D only have good memories from the time I spent in that guild and it's people ;D

Lots of people I remember having a blast playing with also, but have just been to much happening between to remember it all to well to tell it really ;D
Elrandhir L50 Hero 7l7 Thunderer
Elthorian L50 6l7 Ranger Silverhand
Elthunder L50 4lx Eldritch
Elrandhira L50 5lx Druid BB
Elradah L50 Easymode Bainshee
Shimari L50 Animist
Ailanah L50 Enchanter
Vinterwolf L50 gimp Bard
<Crimson Tears> sweden:
(N)o (P)aiN (N)o (G)aiN

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Post by Kjel »

Water Beatle calls for help!
<Eclipse> - Hibernia/Prydwen
Cauldron EC - Celt Druid - Gilded Spear
Sharwyn Xjel - Celt Blademaster - Emerald Ridere - thanks to p0x for all the hard work etc etc

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Post by Lieva »

Kjel wrote:Water Beatle calls for help!
they still do ..

i got zerged when i played on hib excal recently :p

i was like 'oh yea they do that dont they' :p
Lievaordiea x Eldritch
Peonchants x Enchanter

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