Big mistake by Fakkel

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Post by VegetaFH1 »

<ankh> wrote:
"It would be very nice if the guy who bought it returned it, but I personally dont concider the guy who bought it being dishonest incase he decide to keep it."

Ankh... i think u misred the post

What i ment was if u "struked ur stuff" infront of the guy u bought it from an basicly laughed at him....that is what i ment by immature

I dont find it immature if u desided to keep the idea.. nore to i find it dishonest... maybe a case or lak of morals.. but thats just me an my opinion, as i wood return the item to him its natural for me to look down on an frown apon somone not givin it back...(cus im jus a softie at heart lol)

But no.. i think what u said is perfectly resonable.. it wood be totaly up to the person who bought the item to give it back or not, im jus saying that i wood is all

Sorry for the miscommunation here ankh.. i didnt think u wood pick it up the wrong way mate, No hard feelings?


Post by Kallima »

<ankh> wrote:I wonder how many of you would in RL go back to a shop if you had realized you had paid less than an item was worth :)

I tend to go back if I realise that I have been undercharged, or they miss ringing up an item. But then I am a fluffy rabbit who should not be loose in the big bad world of the internet. :bunneh:

In this case, if I'd been the person who had bought the item then the tone of the post would actually annoy me. Its rather accusatory. If I'd bought it at such a silly price then it would have been because either I was dim enough not to realise it was a silly price (I'm dim so its quite possible), or I was soppy enough to buy it before someone grabbed it so that I could contact the guy and return it (also quite possible).

I'd respond better to a post that just said I goofed, the price was supposed to be 35plat not 35 gold, I'd be very greatful if whoever bought it contacted me.

I've actually made the same mistake myself, putting gold instead of plat, and been lucky enough to spot it before the item got sold. Wouldn't have blamed someone for buying it though. It was my mistake.


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Post by <ankh> »

VegetaFH1 wrote:Ankh... i think u misred the post
I've been reading it several times and I honestly don't see any way I can have misunderstod it.

edit: I wouldnt call it lack of morals either tbh. It would have been a moral issue if you had stolen it but not if you bought it


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Post by Overdue »

I would.

But morals are more of an opinion... People try to generalise them but thats foolish.

[INDENT]It's just like the UN trying to inspect Iran for Nuclear weapons.. I think thats ridiculous they have no right over that country, I swear they overestimate themselves, obviously if someone asks for help; I'd take them more... Seriously. But roflcoptors. Okay maybe comparing Nuclear warfare to buying a weapon in a game is a little over the top but I stand high with what I say.[/INDENT]

[INDENT]Obviously I wouldn't like what they are doing, but how can they go into a country and just inspect it, if I were the UN I'd be inspecting a place of real suspicion, such as Area 51. I mean obviously Iran will be making Nuclear weapons but what right do they have to stop them? Most of the countries protecting other countries from them have the weapons... It's retarded.[/INDENT]
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Post by Xest »

Your comments on the UN seem rather silly when you look at what the UN actually is, you do realise that every country in the world is part of the UN apart from Taiwan as most countries don't recognise it as a seperate entity to China and also Vatican city isn't a member. This means that Iran has an obligation as a member of the UN to let those inspectors in anyhow. Quite how the UN can overestimate themselves when the UN represents pretty much the entire population of the planet I'm not sure :p Perhaps you're confusing the UN with the permanent members of the UN security council which are Russia, USA, UK, France, China but even there it's hard to suggest that 5 countries with such different political regimes and goals can also be a bad thing, the only thing I will say on that is that muslim states are under represented in the permanent security council itself.

Nuclear weapons aren't something you can just ignore so to put them in the hands of someone who wants to whipe a planet off the face of the earth is insane. I don't particularly like George Bush and feel he's somewhat of a war monger himself but at least even Bush, as dumb as he likes to make out has the sense to realise that nuking somewhere is bad - the Iranian president doesn't seem to have that equal understanding.

Countries that are currently nuclear capable generally realise that nukes are a bad thing and just about every country that has them is working towards disarming them as far as possible. The problem is nukes exist in these countries as a deterrent to other nuclear capable countries, that's why disarming them is already hard enough because you have to slowly phase out the weapons in a way where every country involved feels safe that they're not being tricked into losing their nuclear capability whilst another remains nuclear capable. If you let a country like Iran become nuclear capable then you only complicate the situation much more as their goverment doesn't understand what an equally measured response is - i.e. Iran will claim they need to keep their nukes in case Israel attacks them even if it's with conventional weaponry and in revenge for Iranian funding of a terrorist attack inside Israel and hence Israel will refuse to disarm their nukes in case they need to counter attack.
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Post by Norcott »

Frozodo wrote:Im Posting this on behalf of Fakkel on FH



Iv just Fucke up..

The guy ho went to my lot 5158 and bort my ml 10 pierce off hand for 35 g witch shude have bin 35 p must realy be happy now.. I might never find out ho that is but if hes a gentelmen he shude realy pm me ingame or here.. Im in big need of mony and woud not have sold it for 35 g and he shude know so.. That was the income of the rest of my template /cry plz help me !! I hope he have some dignety left in hes sole !

Chony the sad NS

Yea i know that was stupid /cry again
and this how it all started.. just incase ur new to the thread.. :D
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Post by Monk »

to be perfectly honest the UN as an organisation is powerless and cannot be expected to be completely unbiased, no matter what eg: Russia would veto an vote on chechnya, as it is not in its interests.
do agree with what xest said bout iran tho, no matter how u look at it more nuclear weapons are bad enough, but allowing countries with links to extremist organisations and terrorism to acquire such weapons is even worse.
while we remain in a sovereign nation society we cannot expect peace, so the longer u can post pone it the better.

tho thats way off topic- sorry :)
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Post by stupeh »

Becoming a part of the 'civilised' world, having all the benefits, such as trading etc. is hardly going to come without any form of obligation. Obligations such as abiding by rules set down by the UN. Whether the UN have the rights or not, it is a must if Iran are to continue to recive all the benefits they do get.

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Post by Tammuz »

Wel the UN totally aside if i bought the item for 35g instead of 35p i wouldnt give it back, i mean the main reason i buy items is because i actually need them anyhow (im not a shopper), if you put a price tag on an item you have to sell it at that price no matter if the shops big or little iRL, i quite simly would never make the post this guy made, id jsut suck it up and accept it, its not morally wrong youve done absolutly nothing wrong by buying the item at the set price, its not morally wrong to keep it because the purchase was totally legit and set up by the seller not the buyer theres not even an outside interferance here or attempt to screw the guy over, its just plain stupidity.

Mistakes happen you have to live with them no point :'(

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