ML SpeedHaxor 03/06 - 2006 ML 1-9 [From FH]

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Emerald Rider
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ML SpeedHaxor 03/06 - 2006 ML 1-9 [From FH]

Post by spook »

Yep ml1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 in one day...
This ml rush is NOT for ppl who tend to Linkdead or Afk
We will be Starting ml 1 at 9.00 CET Excal Volcanus
We will NOT wait for LD's unless we just zoned in and then we will only wait 5 mins (porting around on the ml1 does not count as zoning, only leaving and entering dungeons do)
I would recomend doing ml1+2 presteps before the ml, there will be a 10 min break between ml's to train ml's or go to the bathroom.
I would also recomend getting familair with the difrent ml dungeons & zones, if you go ld you might have to find the zerg by your self.
I will buy all of the items from merchants before the ml, so bg treasurer will be turned OFF, even for the .10 steps!! wich means if that there is no lotto.
If you want some loot i will recomend getting a good guild grp and be very active.
ml7.10 will be bg treasurered and none of the loot will be lottoed. (if you disagrea, tough tities and make your own ml)
I might turn treasurer on, for 9.10 and lotto that off at the end, because there will be 3 generator teams that have no chance at getting the loot otherwize.
BG will be up on my brand new animist Spammah at 08.30 CET
Merely Mortal
Waiting for WAR, both the virtual and the real

Formerly on Hib/Pryd as:
Damarmas, Cias, Bryce, Line

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