A matter I dont know what to think about

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A matter I dont know what to think about

Post by Lenah »

a normal evening, in normal df, farming normally seals with some abnormal friends ... a dude comes out from nowhere, chatting something about rolling new toon in pry/hib, asking about classes and if he could get PL or free gear, the usual you know what the beggars do ... eventually he reveals something quite intresting.

See attachment 1

ok I ignore him and tell him to go to what ever he spawned from. ofc he comes back with an alt, to explain and bla bla .. I open few truths to him, and again in the end ignore him.

see attachment 2

This is a hard case, again he rolls another toon and comes to argue =) i couldn't resist laughing, ended up only ignoring him.

I still have screenshot about ONE MORE time he coming back ... I dont know, i'm just laughing out loud here, dunno should i even post this foward to goa, or what the heck to do but its damn funny dude

discuss and laugh =)

there is online time and clock gmt+2 there, that shows the hapening, dunno if its even close what is a proof what goa would accept.
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Post by Majty »

Aye, I agree cheating is not nice, But neither is the way you talked to him in the second screenshoot. I dont know if he had said something similar to you earlier, but I think its a bit over the line anyway..
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Post by Rami »

Get neckshotted and dumped into the river? :rolleyes:
that's cute :D

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Post by pikeh »

<edit: you knew >

Yeh its probably sufficient for what GoA need, although it may be hard to track them down if they didnt give their main char's name on the other server or whatever.
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Post by Evulweebeastie »

well I got told "I Hope you get cancer and die irl," and "I hope your mum gets hit by a car." hehe, you'll probbley see him in WoW since hes not playing DAoC Anymore ;)
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Bugzy The Ubar Bard!!111one wrote:a insta mezz takes less than a second to cast,

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Post by Belisar »

Saw something similar before in OF.

Kept seeing death spam of a hibbie, the same one being killed over and over again by the same alb. At first I thought some poor dude was being picked on and so after 30 mins of searching and pm'ing the name I thought was a victim (to no response) it suddenly occurred to me it must have been a quick way to earn rps.

Sadly there are a few who exploit the game.
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Post by Sharkith »

Belisar wrote:Saw something similar before in OF.

Kept seeing death spam of a hibbie, the same one being killed over and over again by the same alb. At first I thought some poor dude was being picked on and so after 30 mins of searching and pm'ing the name I thought was a victim (to no response) it suddenly occurred to me it must have been a quick way to earn rps.

Sadly there are a few who exploit the game.
has to be up there with some of those weird fetishes and even worse to have him PM you...

Whilst I can't condone your response Lenah it did make me laugh...

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Post by Maeloch »

Seen it quiet a few times, as I often tend(ed) to be wondering in some wierd spot in OF when no one knew I was there. You'd be suprised who gets up to it.

Worst case I saw was someone rp pl'ing their 50th bd with a hib alt...if u can't kill stuff with a bd the normal way, you got problems.

That screenie will be enuff to get em in trouble as they can then use it as a basis to confirm the rp pling by checking logs. It also might get you in trouble...not sure if the die irl stuff is against the CoC or not ;).

Mael, 50th ment.

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Post by Adalyn »

Seen this happen a few times, just rightnow it and the person will have his account suspended for braking RoC, they can check what other characters there is on the account also by given 1 name of one of there alts i beleive, hate people who just farm themselfs, just don't see the point in doing it.

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Post by Devlin »

in OF i saw quite often some suspicious repeated dm's from clerics and shamans (and druids for that matter :o) so I assume it was a fairly common way of getting a bb enough rp's for mota. And I can kind of understand that a bit, but to farm alts for xp? or that 50 bd u mentioned? thats just plain lazy.

edit- not saying that buff classes can't kill things :p just same dm's over and over etc
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