Server podcasts?

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Server podcasts?

Post by Sharkith »

Its and idea I post on FH this morning, I just got a bit of quick time to ask you guys what you think of this?

Why don't we get peeps together and produce a podcast which can be watched on iPods and on your PC using quicktime?

The idea I had in mind was kind of like a mixture of current events on the server, and a few items related to game content. The emphasis would be on fun and trying to deal with current debates, we could have a letters section and a competition for the best submissions. Its only a rough idea just now so if your going to comment please give me some constructive criticism.

I have ideas for items already but I am sure others might have better ideas.

Things we would have to consider would be hosting and content and the kind of format it should take. We would also need to find some forum space to get the thing up and running. We would need a few good starting scripts and some starring actors along with video feeds.

I am willing to give it a go although the material would be better coming from the community. Especially since my perspective is a bit narrow. What do people think?
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Post by Selenia »

I belive this idea has been used for Star Wars Galaxies and it was/is highly successful. Basically these two nutjobs ("Mister Yivvits" and friend, search for "The Galaxy Report") talk about the state of the game, answer questions posed by players and just generally try to fill 30 minutes with topical conversation.

It seems like a lot of work, but it might be handy to try and get people clued up on what's going on and to maybe entice newer players to Prydwen. Nice idea Sharkith!
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Post by Luinmir »

Sound great .

I am helping Swedish televisions Morning news with that, not the scripting but the editing the video, take of some Music becouse it cost to much and such things and posting it to a server that make it PODfriendly.
And it has been a big success and aalot of extra cost for the television for fixing more on the net.
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