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2 days to go

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 7:56 pm
by Lieva
before a major change in wow.

how do peeps feel about it?

im not too bad tbh.

There will be major changes but most changes are for the best.
It will split the realm tho.

50% of peeps will be pushing to 70 and ignoring raids.
the other 50% will be relaxing and leveling and happily going to places they been til everyone can catch up :)

(im in section 2 - cant wait to go MC at higher levels...resist this sucker!!)

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:08 am
by Heta
Have had the beta for sometime, if I don't remember it all wrong I did order TBC ages ago so will see if it drops down the mailbox soon.

How I feel about it? I guess I don't feel anything tbh. Been pretty much bored to death with the game since the PvP change patch

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:04 am
by Shi
i could live without it :)
some changes looks good, but they could be put in the current game already, like raid instances size reduced to 25 man - good change for midsize guilds and overall.

It sure gonna be cool to explore all the new stuff, no doubt.

Not sure 100% how the new BG ranges gonna look like, but if that is 60-69 for AB & WSG then it's a major joke - vis a vis all those who don't want to buy the xpack but still want to enjoy the BGs as so far. A thing that annoys me the most here, even tho I do buy TBC.

I dont like the lvl cap raise thing at all. I dont like the re-grind it all again idea at all either.
I'd prefer new things to do, but at current max lvl. So my toons currently lvl 60, even if ignoring TBC, are not getting on top of the lack of gear a penality of 10 lvls as well...

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 5:35 pm
by Argyleyn
Level 61 and counting here, it's just awesome.

Shattrath is amazing, Hellfire is inspiring, Zangarmarsh is just mystifying. I think I will rave about this for a long time. Launch in my server was absolutely smooth as well, I am hooked. All in all they have really delivered a polished product, only got one quest slightly bugged (invisible fel cannons tend to be annoying).

As for my hopes for the endgame, no idea yet, but optimistic generally, as reducing raids to 25 mans and having challenging 5 mans is a very good change for me and the arena (which comes from guild wars as I understand) really appeals to me.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 6:15 pm
by Heta
Not able to long into my account anymore as I enabled BC on it, but for some reason I am not able to install BC on my PC as it keep crashing all the time. Yeay Blizzard at sucking donkey balls. Atleat it wont be a problem quiting this shit now as I have pretty much no other choice.

And yes, if you enable BC on you account you can't play the old client anymore, good going...

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:13 pm
by Lieva
seems like a good expansion from what ive seen
but the lag is unplayable atm
then again DAOC is always the same same day/couple of days post expansion so i was kinda expecting it

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:17 pm
by Satyn
just made a blood elf and that other race (sorry to tired to know how to spell it atm) and i loved them both ..
I didnt have lag tho

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:54 pm
by Heta
is lag cause everyone is at the same place atm, guess there aint as much people in the lowbie zones as the lvl 60 exp zones

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:55 am
by Argyleyn
I got some lag at HH today, when everyone was gathered around the keep. Other than that though, on Eonar server everything is perfectly smooth. But we are a relatively new and small server.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:01 am
by Lieva
just been to a level 70 insta :p its not online yet tho ^^
since we have 3 lvl 63 already..blizz might need to hurry up :p