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Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 6:06 pm
by Tare
GoA based their prediction on a list of affected characters supplied by Mythic. In reality the list didn't even get close to the amount of RightNowed characters.
Unwise decision to link char restore to clustering? yes.
Unwise decision to start clustering now? no.

It's incredibly selfish to make thousands of players wait for the discomfort of only a small minority, how uncomfortable your situation might be.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 6:07 pm
by Lieva
im wondering how many players are actually waiting for clustering though.
I know alot of people didnt want clustering to go ahead so could be actually speeding their departure ^^

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 6:09 pm
by Tare
Banana wrote:im wondering how many players are actually waiting for clustering though.
I know alot of people didnt want clustering to go ahead so could be actually speeding their departure ^^
The majority of the people who voted on the cluster poll, voted yes though (or you would assume that's what the outcome was ;p)

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 6:13 pm
by Lieva
but the magority of people who voted for clustering could be those peeps who still need their items back therefore they wouldnt want clustering now and the reason why we getting clustering would be nul and void :D

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:28 am
by Hemuli
Tbh I agree with those peeps which said give items cluster then.. It's only about keeping promise to our community and they should do it now. Database problem was one of the most horrible thing what have happened and what could happen..

Aswell I feel so sorry for those which have got all chars stripped - They have need to wait and have account open for getting items back at "some point" but still they couldn't play chars what they want. Soon it hits 2 months .. Paying ur account for 2 months for only that u could check ur chars everyday and keep looking and looking is just a bit silly poke:

And only thing what we got was ~12 freedays. flex.

At all, I don't think too good things about GOA but becouse we have Hi_I_LOVE_GOA mod here cba to say em :p but need to say that this is some point where GOA could make one thing what they have said not just whocares we care about $$


Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:12 am
by Xest
Belisar wrote:The non-clustering does not stop people playing - being stripped of all items does. If I could not play my toon for 2 months I think I would whine as well.

And as for restoration being slowed down, I think that is one of the main points. GOA have diverted resources away from restoration for other projects and the assumption is that the same will happen to make sure clustering is as smooth as possible. We do not know for a fact that this will happen, we do not know for a fact that this will slow the restoration process further but it does seem likely.
That's the problem though, and that's what Edlina's point is that all the whines here about this topic are based on an assumption that clustering will slow down further restoration, the impression I've had from GOA's notes and the fact they've already clustered other servers is that clustering wont actually detract from further restoration anyway because the vast majority of the work is done for clustering.

From an outsiders point of view I think GOA are doing the right thing, remember that as neither clustering nor restoration effect me my view isn't swayed either way by personal gain. I just know that clustering is an extremely good thing for a server as small as Prydwen and to hold it back for a small number of players is completely unfair.

That said, those players who haven't had their stuff restored yet deserve much more compensation - honestly, people effected shouldn't have had to pay subs whilst their chars are missing items (within limits of course, as long as it's people's mains or level 50s, if someone's level 20 alt is missing items then it's not such an issue).

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:16 am
by Downy
Banana wrote:but the magority of people who voted for clustering could be those peeps who still need their items back therefore they wouldnt want clustering now and the reason why we getting clustering would be nul and void :D
Really doubt the majority,since it only happened on Prydwen and not on Excal Hence Exc has more players who probably voted for cluster than Pryd ever did.

Hmm,wonder do that maky any sense :p

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:18 am
by Alexandrinus
from the view of the people wich still have chars stripped of i really can understand them, on the other side a big mayority of peeps get their things back and RVR is really crap atm, most of the people seemed to fallen down in agony :-(

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:35 am
by Gamblor
Guys and Gals,

The big problem is not with the clusters or even with the Missing itamz from peeps's toons. it's the fact the GoA promised something and are now going back on what they said.

What also gauls me is the fact that no apoligey was given stating that sorry about not getting everyone done, but we will get the rest of the people sorted asap, it was more a case of : Yes clustering is going ahead , /sticks fingers in ears .

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:49 am
by Arvengar
Xest wrote:That's the problem though, and that's what Edlina's point is that all the whines here about this topic are based on an assumption that clustering will slow down further restoration, the impression I've had from GOA's notes and the fact they've already clustered other servers is that clustering wont actually detract from further restoration anyway because the vast majority of the work is done for clustering.

From an outsiders point of view I think GOA are doing the right thing, remember that as neither clustering nor restoration effect me my view isn't swayed either way by personal gain. I just know that clustering is an extremely good thing for a server as small as Prydwen and to hold it back for a small number of players is completely unfair.

That said, those players who haven't had their stuff restored yet deserve much more compensation - honestly, people effected shouldn't have had to pay subs whilst their chars are missing items (within limits of course, as long as it's people's mains or level 50s, if someone's level 20 alt is missing items then it's not such an issue).
I think this is where u don't see the problem. The restoration has all but stalled (nothing reported returned in about 2 to 3 weeks now), and the only reason we can assume that has happened was because of 1 gamesfair in France. If something like a gamesfair has that impact, what do u think something major like clustering is going to cause? Yes the other servers have been clustered rather "smoothly" (read: no noticable hiccups that the Pydwen and Excal popularions have been made aware of - then again how many ppl read french/german daoc forums here?), but even on their news page, GOA are suggesting remedies to naming problems, which leads me to believe that this, for 1, will cause issues upon clustering. These problems will obviously be more important than any restoration progress (not being able to play a char at all obviously comes before not being able to play a char due to having no equipment). This obviously then beggars the question, how much longer will it freeze the restoration progress? Will be be waiting another 2 months? Will the magic gem merchants still be there? (ok I know their a load of rubbish in the terms of useable kit, but they are a way of filling up CMs with kit that other people could possibly use until they can get their templates sorted properly). Clustering will bring up a lot of questions, but the biggest issue has still got to be the fact that they have not kept a promise to the players of the Prydwen community, which makes u wonder how much anything they say in future is worth. Not being funny, but it was that promise that kept me in Pryd, as it gave the impression that GOA were mortified about the database crash, and they would do what they can to get Prydwen back on its feet asap. It looked like they cared, which obviously now looks like nothing could be farther from the truth.